Björk Þórarinsdóttir
Björk Þórarinsdóttir, holds a Cand. Oecon degree in Business from the University of Iceland and is a certified Securities Broker. She joined HS Orka in 2020 as the Executive Vice President of Finance and Information Technology. She worked for Arion Bank and its predecessors as a Managing Director of Corporate Banking for sixteen years and as Deputy CEO for two years. She accepted the post of CFO of Silfurtún in 1998 after having worked for two years in France as a Financial Controller at Philips Consumer Communication and six years in the United States and Germany as a Business Analyst and Finance Manager at Baxter International. Björk has broad experience as a board director and has served on numerous boards of privately owned companies in Iceland and Scandinavia, as well as on a Nasdaq Iceland listed company. She was an Advisory Board Member of SÍA III, private equity fund of Stefnir Asset Management Company, for a period of six years.